It is important that all team staff register as soon as possible so that our roster isn’t held up.
Here is what you need to do:
1. Register on RAMP
All coaches, trainers, managers, den mothers and on-ice assistants must register in RAMP. Here is the link:
Once you have registered, please email me and the Ancaster Registrar:
AAGHA Registrar <>
2. Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC)
All team staff including head coaches, assistant coaches, trainers, assistant trainers, managers, staff, skills coaches, dressing room monitors and third-party skills coaches are required to have a valid Vulnerable Sector Check.
This can take 30 days or more, so don’t delay.
- Complete your VSC with your local police service. Depending on your situation, you may be able to complete it all online. In other cases, you may have to go to the station. In Hamilton, you want to get the Vulnerable Sector Scan (VS) for Volunteers. This will cost you $25 (plus a processing fee). The AAGHA will compensate you for this.
- Email me your receipt and your mailing address (for the cheque) and I’ll forward it on to the AAGHA Treasurer for reimbursement.
- Once you receive your VSC, you are required to upload it to the Screening Submission Portal ( Follow the instructions in this PDF:
Updated - How to Submit your VSC Document (updated July 19).pdf908.7KB
3. Trainer Certification
- If you want to get your trainer certification, here is the link:
- Email me your receipt and your mailing address (for the cheque) and I’ll forward it on to the AAGHA Treasurer for reimbursement.
4. Respect In Sport
- Here is the link:
Respect in Sport for Hockey Canada Activity Leaders - Ontario Womens Hockey Association
- Email me your receipt and your mailing address (for the cheque) and I’ll forward it on to the AAGHA Treasurer for reimbursement.