What is Success?
What is it that you wish to accomplish?
Do you want to learn a new skill? Perhaps learn to play guitar? Learn to golf? Learn a new language? Learn to cook? Run a marathon?
Maybe something bigger? Get a college or university degree? Get ahead in your career? Start your own business? Achieve personal and financial independence? Retire?
Have you ever wanted to just be better at everything you do? Have more time for your friends and family? Have more time for your hobbies and the fun things in life? Get more done with less effort?
No matter what it is, you want to do, you need an achievable and executable plan. Throughout this training camp, you’ll learn a proven, easy to follow, step-by-step plan for success that anyone can implement to achieve almost anything.
Since you’re here, it is a pretty good bet that one of your goals is “To Become An Outstanding Hockey Player“. I’m going to use this as the model goal for this training camp and break it all down from this viewpoint. However, the same process can be used no matter what your goals are.
Your Success Game Plan
- Be clear and concise as to who you want to be and what you want to do.
- Plan your attack to become who you want to be and accomplish your goals:
- Break things down into learnable and executable chunks.
- Follow a proven path. Find a coach who can teach.
- Focus on the best 20%
- Build routines that allow you to get more of the right stuff done.
- Live with intention. Stay out of the Zombie-Zone (alive vs. dead time)
- Continual improvement – Get 1% better every day
- The best schedule is one you’ll execute
- Block focus time
- Leverage yourself
- Be more motivated to execute! Make your stakes higher than your competition.
- Build feedback into your process.
- Modify and refine your plan as you go
Today’s Assignment:
- Complete today’s workout on the TeamBuildr app. Be sure to mark each exercise complete as you finish it. Depending on your schedule (other sports, work, etc.) it is okay to complete the exercises on another day or even substitute an alternate workout provided that the difficultly level is similar. Please make note of any substitutions or switches as part of the daily check in item in the TeamBuildr app. Today might be a good day to catch up on any workouts you’ve missed.
- Write a single sentence describing who it is you want to be and what you’d like to accomplish. Please include as much detail as possible. It is okay if you’re not really sure yet how to answer this question. Remember, you can always change your mind. Share your answer with your Senpai-Kohai partner. AFTER the two of you have discussed and refined your answers, you should each post your answer to the team WhatsApp group.
- Something to think about… You’ll notice at the top of this page there is now a link to the Summer Training Camp. If you click this link, you’ll go to an index page for the training camp. Take a look at the weekly headings. Any ideas about what they might mean? (No response required, yet.)