This may be the one of the most important videos you ever watch…
Matthew Walker is the author of “Why We Sleep“. He is a professor of neuroscience and psychology at the University of California, Berkeley. Walker specializes on the impact of sleep on human health and has contributed to over 100 scientific research studies. (Source: Wikipedia)
” Sleep is the Swiss Army Knife of health. The shorter your sleep, the shorter your life. “
— Matthew Walker (Author of “Why We Sleep“)
Why is sleep so important?
- In all likelihood, you’re probably getting less sleep than you should be. Most people need a minimum of 8 hours of sleep. For teens this might be closer to 9 hours.
- Sleep helps your body recover faster from exercise. You’ll be able to perform better and train harder if you are properly rested. Proper sleep is essential to maximize your athletic performance.
- You need sleep both before and after learning. Sleep improves factual recall and motor task proficiency. It also prunes memories worth forgetting.
- Sleep deprivation has been shown to reduce productivity, happiness, academic performance, emotional control, memory recall, immune system function, motivation, reproductive function and response to vaccines. It is also associated with more severe disease: higher mortality, heart disease, cancer risk, diabetes, weight gain, Alzheimer’s, inflammation, aging and more.
Checklist for improving your sleep
- Keep a REGULAR sleep schedule. Wake up and go to bed at the same times every day (both weekdays and weekends). Don’t think you can make up your sleep on the weekend.
- Keep your room cool at night. The ideal sleeping temperature is 65F or 18C. Exposing your palms or feet while sleeping may help.
- Avoid caffeine, alcohol and nicotine. These can take up to 10 hours to wear off.
- Exercise regularly but try to avoid it within 3 hours of sleep.
- Avoid napping after 3pm.
- Avoid large meals or drinks late at night.
- Reduce light before sleep. This includes light from phones or other device screens.
- Don’t take your phone, tablet or computer devices to bed with you. Leave them where they are out of reach.
- Sleeping pills are bad. These just lead to sedation which isn’t the same as sleep.
- Don’t use alarms if you can help it. Wake up with the sun or bright lights.
- Don’t lie in bed trying to fall asleep for more than 20 minutes. Get up and do something until you feel sleepy.
- Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker
- The Sleep Revolution: Transforming Your Life, One Night at a Time by Arianna Huffington
Today’s Assignment:
The assignment is an easy but important one today…
- Map out a regular sleep schedule. What time to you start preparing for bed? What are the steps you follow? What time do you wake up? Post your answer to the team WhatsApp group.
- Discuss your answer with your Senpai-Kohai partner. Think about what you can do to improve your sleep.
- Get outside and do some EASY cardio for 30-40 minutes. This could be a short run or bike ride. Find a friend to do it with to make it fun.
- Get a good nights sleep!